Watch Online / Spark It Up 2010 (2010)
Desc: Spark It Up 2010: Directed by Reid Kaplan. With Kizzie Artis, Elisha Brigham, Fayez Buchara, Joseph Cavanaugh. We encounter various people in life, as does our main character: a lighter with a built-in flashlight. Hodge, a 22 year old on his way to a party, purchases the lighter at a local convenience store. At this party we are introduced to a few of the characters in attendance, including Tommy King, the host of the party. The lighter reveals a world of drugs and sex, which pushes the limits of the party and the people involved. Some kids think they know everything until it's too late. For these kids there are no consequences to their immediate actions, but they unveil a less than appealing and deteriorating lifestyle as a lesson to the audience.